Artists Reaching for Christ (ARC)
Register for an ARC event
What is ARC?
ARC is a creative arts ministry that seeks to glorify and honor God through the gifts, talents, and passion He has given us. We seek and encourage to help bridge gaps between generations. We look for opportunity in our communities to edify, uplift, motivate, aspire, inspire, learn, and teach.
What Does ARC Do?
A Painting and a Prayer
A creative arts event which includes a meal, painting, fellowship, and devotionals. These events are free to the public, ages six years and above, but a $25 donation is encouraged to help fund supplies and outreach.
Craft Events
ARC craft events allow attendees to learn how to become more creative with their crafting skills! Craft events include fun activities such as bow making classes, knitting and crocheting, and others! Some of these events also benefit those less fortunate, such as knitting scarves for needy families.
Who Is ARC For?
ARC is not just for our church family; it is open to everyone! If you'd like to try your hand at painting or crafting, be sure to attend and learn from some of the most creative people in our church. All events are free for everyone, but ARC does ask for donations to further our ministry and outreach.
What Is ARC Doing Next?
Project Go Embrace
We are excited to announce that ARC Ministry has partnered with Embrace Hospice of South Carolina. We are launching project “Go Embrace” in April 2018.
Embrace Hospice covers patients living in 15 counties of South Carolina and 25 counties of Georgia.
We are working with Suzanne Sasser, the Volunteer coordinator for South Carolina. She oversees all 15 counties, from Dillon to Georgetown to Little River and in between. ARC Ministries will be training teams of 2 or 3 to “GO” to a facility to work with patients, as a group in their commons area, offering a two-hour session (one per month) of devotions and art therapy. Studies show that art is therepeutic, so we will do everything we can to help those in need! We will start with Anderson Oaks in Conway.
A Hospice house is currently being built in Carolina Forest with 36 beds, and they hope to have that completed by June 2017. This will be our second facility. We are looking to train eight teams before June (one team per month, per facility), which will allow a team per week in each facility. We will train each team member and provide you with the necessary tools for each session. We need those who would like to “GO Embrace” to sign up as soon as possible. We have three teams already!
Next ARC Event
February Painting
Saturday, Feb. 4 • 1-4 PM
Donate to ARC
Your generous donation ensures that Artists Reaching for Christ can continue its community outreach and churchwide opportunities. All ARC events are free, but a $20 donation is suggested. Click here to donate.