Women's Ministries
Between the Pages Book Club
Leader: Nancy Goodson
Are you a bookworm? Come inch between the pages with us as we discuss the books we read, while enjoying good fellowship with one another.
Cultivating Holy Beauty
Leader: Barb Gibson
This Bible Study helps women thrive by discovering their true identity and value in Jesus Christ, based on the Word of God and the Holy Spirit.
Sisters of Dorcas
Leader: Lanita Price
This ministry strives to provide a loving and honoring community for our widows and widowers through love and encouragement shown to them by our "Sisters".
Tuesday Morning Bible Study
Leader: Karen Butterfield
This Bible Study helps women grow closer to Christ as they lean on truths found in Scripture to live joy-filled lives.
Women Reaching Women
Leader: Barbara Gibson
Our goal is to reach, teach, win, and develop women in our church family and beyond. This ministry endeavors to create an atmosphere where women can realize spiritual maturity, develop their leadership skills, fellowship, and minister in the community and throughout the world.